
已故严伯贤老弟兄追思会留念照片点滴J.B Bro. Yam pass away(18-22/10/2011)

敬爱的已故严伯贤老弟兄在世寄居82载,他遗留下有4位养儿女,内外孙有5位。已故严弟兄乃是通过他的养子Steven Wong 有福气听信而顺从神的福音,于2004年8月1日受浸归入基督。已故严弟兄在新山主的家庭里,与弟兄姐妹们有7年多的相处,大家都非常怀念着已故的严弟兄。已故严弟兄于18/10/2011 星期二安息主怀 ,其家属决定在新山聚会所停放5天,于星期六22/10/2011早晨10.30am从新山聚会所出殡至新山中华公会焚化场火化。因此从星期三晚至星期五晚8pm有连续3晚的追思会,以及星期六早上9.30am最后一场的追思会后,10.30am才出殡。天上的神有应许每一位基督徒,他的一生,既是从受浸归入基督开始,至死忠心于神的,就必会从基督里得着生命的冠冕。愿我们学习那些在主里有好榜样的信徒,他们的一生在主里经历了困苦,病痛,信心的磨练,仍然在主的真道上站立的住。他们是我们学习的好榜样。愿我们每一位信徒持续在主里面忠心,以新生命荣耀神。
新山:主日查经 9.30am / 崇拜 11am (8, Jln. Chendera, Serene Park, J.B ) Tel: 016-7339333
峇株巴辖主日崇拜9.45am /查经 11.15am (7, Jln. Tukas 1, Tmn. Soga, Batu Pahat )Tel: 012-7840001
永平主日崇拜 傍晚7pm ( 30, Jln. Cahaya Baru 1, Tmn. BCB, Yong Peng .) Tel: 012-7172780
居銮主日崇拜 9.30am / 查经11.15am ( 30(1 Floor), Jln. Lim Swee Sim, Tmn. Kluang Baru , Kluang .) Tel : 012-7172780

Our beloved Brother Yam passed away at the age of 82, leaving 4 adopted children, and 5 grandchildren. He believed and was saved through the effort of his adopted son, Bro. Steven Wong. In the year 2004, he was baptized on August 1, into Christ. In Johor Bahru God's family he enjoyed fellowship for more than 7 years, leaving nostalgia. He went to be with the Lord on 18/10/2011, Tuesday. On Saturday morning (22/10/2011) he was cremated. From Wednesday to Friday there was 3 consecutive memorial meetings. After the last memorial meeting lasting from 9.30am to 10.30am, he then departed. For those who are faithful after being saved God promises the crown of life. Let us learn from those who show good example, for they experienced hardship, sicknesses and faith trials without wavering. Surely Bro. Yam is a good example to us. May we continue in faith and glorify God.
Meeting speaker: Bro. Phua Choon Huat (Preacher from Yong Peng)

Wednesday 19/10/2011 the message: “Peace and Joy”
Thursday 20/10/2011 the message“And deeply believing”
Friday 21/10/2011 the message“The Way, the Truth, and the Life”
Saturday 22/10/2011 the message:“Hope of mankind”

