属柔佛州“基督的教会”聚会时间和联络电话。 J.B:主日查经 9.30am / 崇拜Worship 11am , Tel: 016-7339333 峇株B.P:崇拜Worship9.45am /查经 11.15am, Tell: 012-7840001 永平Y.P:崇拜Worship 早晨10am(地址:13, Jln. Melati 6, Tmn. Melati, Yong Peng .) Tel: 012-7172780 居銮Kluang:崇拜Worship 4.pm , Tel : 012-7281951 士古来Skudai: 崇拜Worship ---Tel: 016-9389386 主页Website:http://yongpengcocjh.weebly.com/
居銮黄美玲老姐妹追思会(Sis. Wong Mee Ling Memorial Meeting)21-23/5/2011
已故黄美玲老姐妹在世享年86岁,她共有7位儿女,却只有一位女儿涂庆莲姐妹在基督里。她有孙16位,真孙9位,享有四代同堂的福气 。已故黄美玲老姐妹于20/5/2011 星期五安息主怀,21/5/2011星期六晚上8pm有追思会和22/5/2011礼拜天中午12.30pm有最后一场的追思会。22/5/2011 下午1.30pm出殡至古来火化厂火化。当天的追思会乃是由潘春发传道负责主持,只是第一晚有来自永平教会的余根剑弟兄作英文的翻译。
21/5/2011星期六8pm --世人的盼望
22/5/2011星期日12.30pm -- 更美的家乡
永平"基督的教会” 主日崇拜 7pm
居銮“基督的教会”主日崇拜 9.30am
Deceased Sis. Wong Mee Ling lived to the age of 86 years old. Of her 7 children, one daughter Sis. Tu Keng Lian is in Christ. She had 16 grand children and 9 great grand children, therefore enjoyed the privilege of housing 4 generations under one roof. Deceased Sis. Wong Mee Ling went to be with the Lord on 20/5/2011 (Friday). The memorial meeting was held on 21/5/2011(Saturday) 8pm. The final memorial meeting was on 22/5/2011 (Sunday) at 12.30pm. The funeral procession was on 22/5/2011 at 1.30pm in the Kulai crematorium. The memorial meeting was hosted by preacher Bro. Phua Choon Huat. Bro. Vincent from Yong Peng assisted the message interpretation on the first night.
21/5/2011 Saturday 8pm --'Hope of mankind'
22/5/2011星期日12.30pm -- 'A better home'
Hosted by:Preacher Phua Choon Huat(in charge of the work of the churches of Christ in Yong Peng and Kluang)
Interpreter:Bro. Vincent(from Yong Peng Church of Christ)
Yong Peng Church of Christ: Sunday worship service at 7:00 pm
Kluang Church of Christ: Sunday worship service at 9:30 am
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