致, 凡称为主耶稣基督名下的教会. To :All Churches of Christ
敬爱的弟兄姐妹们Dear Brethren in Christ :
的开荒福音事工, 顺利地进行着。
Thank God's for His Guidant, by His grace he remember His mission work in Labis area. We wish to Thanks those brethren who are setting daily prayer to support Labis outreach mission work, so that it will carry out smoothly。
天上的神为我们预备一个合适的场所,租金每个月Rm 220 ,也无须花费很大的装修
工程, 只需要联络来自居銮的福兴弟兄,简单的涂上漆料,挂上“基督的教会”的招
Thank God in heaven, He always listen to our prayer, by His will He had been prepare a meeting place for us to meet together. The rental is Rm 220 per month, we do not need to spend a lot of time & money to renovation, we only called to Kluang bro. Teo Hock Heng, we had requested him to had a simple painting to the building ,we also had put up the sign board : "Church of Christ", we had brought some of the office furniture & equipment for to set up office work.
Labis is a small town , even though population is only 20000 people, Chinese (majority). But God love their soul too. , God also prepare a way for them to hear the Gospel of God, so that they can be save by God.
When we thought of city Sodom and Gomorrah, this two big town, the population in this two city was very big too, but their sin was waxen great before the face of the Lord, it had been reached out to the ears of God. God had been decided to destroy this two town .By God mercy, He love the family of “LOT” who lived in Sodom & Gomorrah. If take a comparison to the population of this two city to “LOT” family members just a small number in God eyes only, God didn’t said don’t cared or
bordered them! God still cares for their souls to be saved, at last God took the risk ,specially sent two angels to save them, as we read though this passages. ( Gen :19 :15-16)
The people who Lived in Labis area , the Chinese population was very small in this area , but if comparison to “LOT” Family’s members, the population in Labis area will be more than “LOT” family members!. AS my opinion, they needs Gospel of God to preach and share to them .
拉美士“基督的教会” 的聚会时间表
Church Of Christ , Labis Services Time Table :
主日崇拜Sunday Worship :下午 3 pm (Afternoon)
星期二儿童班Tuesday Children Class : 下午 4.00 pm (尚在调整当中)
开始聚会时间 lst. meeting Worship : 12/5/2013 3 pm (星期日Sunday)
Thank Giving Meeting
日期 : 2/6/2013 (星期日Sunday)
时间 :下午 3pm ( Afternoon)
特别讲员 :游金星弟兄 ( Speaker:Bro John Yu)
Please encourages each one of us to come to this meeting,
We needs yours prayer supports to this mission works.
备有茶点接待 Refreshment will be prepare for you.
地点:18 Up , Jln. Delima 8, Tmn. Gunung Emas, Labis.
All of you are invited by CHURCH OF CHRIST , Labis.
Thank You very much.