
已故郑金山老弟兄追思会点滴。Memorial Meeting 2010


地址:8, Jalan Chendera , Serene Park , 83000 J.B .



1/9/2010 “当跑的路跑尽了”

2/9/2010 “人活在世上的目的”

3/9/2010 “永生的代价”

4/9/2010 “一个更好的地方”

Bro. K.S Tee deceased on Aug 31,2010, aged 83. He heard and believed the gospel of Christ, and was baptized into Christ in the year 2004. Every Sunday he worships at Church of Christ, Johor Bahru addressed at 8, Jalan Chendera, Serene Park, 83000 J.B.

Memorial meetings date: Sept.1-4.

Chaired by: Preacher Phua Choon Huat (From Yong Peng Church of Christ)

Message shared in the meetings:

1/9/2010: "The time of my departure is come."

2/9/2010: "The purpose of a man's life in the world."

3/9/2010: "The price of eternal life."

4/9/2010: "A better place."

已故杨丽英老姐妹追思会点滴。Memorial Meeting2010

地址:8, Jalan Chendera , Serene Park , 83000 J.B .

Deceased on Monday, Jul. 19,2010, Sis. L.E. Yong lived to be 82. She heard and believed the gospel of Christ, and was baptized into Christ on Jan. 5.

Every Sunday she worships at Johor Bahru Church of Christ, addressed at 8, Jalan Chendera, Serene Park, 83000 J.B.

Memorial meetings date: Jul.20-23.

Meetings chaired by: Preacher Phua Choon Huat (from Yong Peng Church of Christ).

已故林继生老弟兄追思会点滴。Memorial Meeting 2010

地址:8, Jalan Chendera , Serene Park , 83000 J.B .

Bro. K.S Lim departed on Thursday, Jul. 1, 2010, at the age of 72. He heard and believed the gospel for one year plus.
Every Sunday he worships at Johor Bahru Church of Christ, addressed at 8, Jalan Chendera, Serene Park J.B.
Memorial meetings date: Jul. 2-5, 2010.
Chaired by: Preacher Phua Choon Huat (from Yong Peng Church of Christ).


中秋节活动Mooncake 2010

“中秋节” 是华族的传统节日,其中虽然存有迷信的色彩。因着时代的进步,人类科技及知识水准的提高,已经谢绝了迷信的部分成分,保留了传统节日的美德,同时这节日促使大家欢聚一堂,增进友谊交流。教会举办这活动,好让各个成员有: 儿童班,少年班学生,会友及朋友,无论是男女老少,大家聚集,聆听神的话语“人类对神的态度”,同时借此信息唤醒人类的心灵,对自己所接受以及所相信的对象,要认识和明白。因为,盲从已经不再是现今资讯科技时代的产物!我们华族要走在科技时代的前端,就当认识赐予我们智慧,创造新科技的真神。这活动的举办同时也促进彼此交流与联络,使大家对基督的信仰,产生亲和感,虽然我们信了主耶稣,我们还是“华族”还是保留了华族的特征。举办单位Organiser:永平 "基督的教会" Church Of Christ , Yong Peng .

The church organises this activity for members and friends young and old, to gather and listen to God's message, "Attitude of men toward God", to wake men's heart up, so that people will consciously know whom they put their belief in. For to blindly follow is no longer a product of this creatively advanced age! In order to be leading in this technological age, the Chinese people need to know God who is the precursor to such advancement. Such activities creates communion and contacts with the locals to promote peaceful feelings with regard to the belief of the Christians. Also, it signifies to the society that Chinese christians retain the marks of virtuous culture.

Organiser: Church Of Christ, Yong Peng .


Venue:30, Jalan Cahaya Baru 1, Taman BCB, 83700 Yong Peng , Johor , Malaysia .
