长子郑顺财弟兄目前就读于新加坡四海圣经学院(S'pore Four Sea)的圣经课程,尚有1年多的时间完成,次子郑顺利弟兄仍在修读中学。
已故郑循天先生于28-11-2011早晨逝世,其家属决定于30-11-2011 下午3pm 出殡至关丹雅姆山庄火化场火化。
已故郑循天先生的家属们决定以基督信仰的宗教方式主持追思会,好让故人早日安息。因此“基督的教会”是回应家属们的邀请全权负责追思会的主持,第一次的追思会 29-11-2011星期二 晚上8pm ; 第二次的追思会 30-11-2011 星期三 下午 2pm , 下午3pm准时出殡。
星期二 29/11/2011追思会讲题:“基督信仰的独特性”
星期三 30/11/2011追思会讲题:“喜乐平安”
Respected late Mr. Zheng sojourned through the 70 years, leaving his wife and two promising sons; the elder son being Zheng Shun Choi, and his brother Zheng Shun Li.
Although the late Mr. Zheng is not in Christ, however, he did not oppose his beloved wife, and the two sons to accept the Gospel of Christ, thankfully; for a rare example. The eldest son of late Mr. Zheng Xun Tian has studied at Singapore Bible College (S'pore Four Sea), bible courses. With more than a year to completion; the second son Zheng Shun Li are still attending secondary school.
The late Mr. Zheng Xun Tian deceased on 28-11-2011 morning, and his family decided on 30-11-2011 at 3pm to follow funeral customs
at Kuantan YaMu Villa crematorium.
Late Mr. Zheng and the family decided to approach the Christian religion, let preside over memorial service, so that the late may soon rest in peace. Therefore, "Church of Christ" in response to the invitation of the familiy's memorial service request was responsible for the host, the first memorial service on 29-11-2011 Tuesday night 8pm; second memorial service was on 30-11-2011 Wednesday afternoon at 2pm, and at 3pm at the funeral was on time.
Memorial Speaker: Bro. Phua Choon Huat (preacher) from Yong Peng, "Church of Christ."
Memorial service on Tuesday 29/11/2011 has the topic: "The uniqueness of the Christian faith."
Memorial service on Wednesday 30/11/2011 has the topic: "Joy and Peace."
Our loving God is willing to make known the gospel on that day taking care of relatives and friends, so as to draw near to God and seek after Him.
May God also watch over the church in Kuantan, the gospel of God's ministry, to continue to grow, glorifying His name.