儿童班学生献上2首诗歌+动作表演,还有动一动脑筋猜谜,儿童圣经故事猜谜,活动游戏,分发礼物鼓励勤劳出席率高的学生,享受大家爱心准备的美食 .....节目丰富,大家忽然间感觉到时间要临近凌晨12时了 ........
The activities encompassing the 2011 new year celebration are many, and it occured from 8pm till after midnight. From start, everyone prepared to celebrate the whole event with delight. The children class presented two songs plus actions. There were also guessing games, bible story questionaires, gaming activities, awarding of presents to good attendance students a minor love feast... many rich activities, and suddenly everyone realise that midnight is near......