属柔佛州“基督的教会”聚会时间和联络电话。 J.B:主日查经 9.30am / 崇拜Worship 11am , Tel: 016-7339333 峇株B.P:崇拜Worship9.45am /查经 11.15am, Tell: 012-7840001 永平Y.P:崇拜Worship 早晨10am(地址:13, Jln. Melati 6, Tmn. Melati, Yong Peng .) Tel: 012-7172780 居銮Kluang:崇拜Worship 4.pm , Tel : 012-7281951 士古来Skudai: 崇拜Worship ---Tel: 016-9389386 主页Website:http://yongpengcocjh.weebly.com/
Dear Brethren :
Greeting to you all with our Lord Jesus name.
Thank God for His caring, through his Church & His’s children in Christ
We wished to make a announcement to you all brethren .
This coming 1st.Oct.2012, Yong Peng C.O.C. are planning to shift to new meeting place,
The address is as below:
Church Of Christ , Yong Peng New Add. 永平“基督的教会”新的聚会地址:
53A, Jalan Persiaran Cahaya Baru, Taman BCB, 83700 Yong Peng , Johor .
聚会时间表(Meeting Time Table):
主日崇拜(Worship)傍晚7pm ;
星期六儿童班(Sat. Children Class)早晨10am;
星期五少年班(Fri. Youth Class)晚上8pm ;
星期四查经班(Thu.Adult Bible Class)晚上8pm.
Welcome 欢迎光临
联络电话 (Contact) :
1. Tel. no. : 07-4674997
2. H/P no. : 012-7172780
3. Email : ypcocjh@streamyx.com ypcocjh@yahoo.com ypcocjh@gmail.com
4. website : http://www.yongpengcocjh.weebly.com/ http://yongpengcocjh.blogspot.com/
5. Meeting time table : Worship 7pm ;
Thursday Bible Class 8pm ;
Please fell free to contact us If you fell to know more about Yong Peng Church .
At the end of this month 30th.Sept 2012 ,we will no more in the old building premises.
We will welcome you all to visit us or to join us for the meeting at the new meeting
premises. Please support us in yours prayer so that the renovation works will
carry out smoothly
We hope the Lord be with us, as well as be with you all too.
Church Of Christ , Yong Peng.
(On B/F Bro. Choon Huat & Sis Teresa Phua. )
受浸归主Baptized into Christ
敬爱的弟兄姐妹们Dear Brethren :
在主里问候大家平安Greeting in Lord Jesus Name .
感谢神昨晚有一位朋友受浸归入基督Thank God for a friend was baptized into Christ on last night (1/8/2012 10.30pm) .
我们与天上的天使一同欢喜,赞美天上的神With the angels in the heaven we rejoices together .Praise be to God .
以下是相关的资料As below is the particulars for refer :
在居銮教会受浸New Baptize in Kluang Cong. 2012
姓名Name:黄联和先生Mr.Ngoe Lien Hoe(男Male)
职业Job:派发传单Sundry Worker
受浸日期Baptize:1/8/2012 ( Wednesday night) 10.30 pm
如何认识他How to know him :
去年2011年3月Last year on the month March 2011,
当教会办马六甲爱摩沙3天2夜生活营的期间when church was organized church camp to A’Famosa ,
他与他的朋友一同到来参与he was came with his friend,
过后我们继续探访他安排并与他个人研经,他偶尔断断续续有来after that we continue to visit him & arranged for personal studied bible with him, off & on he came to church .
最近的这3个月他有来教会研经,昨晚感谢赞美神,他受浸归入基督,是他的罪得以赦免Within this three months he was more regular came to church & bible study . Last night , praise God he willing to baptize into Christ for remission of sin .
请为他的信心成长祷告Please pray for him to grow in strong faith in Christ .
May God uphold him with God words .
All glory be to God .
Bro. Choon Huat & Teresa Phua
在主里问候大家平安Greeting in Lord Jesus Name .
感谢神昨晚有一位朋友受浸归入基督Thank God for a friend was baptized into Christ on last night (1/8/2012 10.30pm) .
我们与天上的天使一同欢喜,赞美天上的神With the angels in the heaven we rejoices together .Praise be to God .
以下是相关的资料As below is the particulars for refer :
在居銮教会受浸New Baptize in Kluang Cong. 2012
姓名Name:黄联和先生Mr.Ngoe Lien Hoe(男Male)
职业Job:派发传单Sundry Worker
受浸日期Baptize:1/8/2012 ( Wednesday night) 10.30 pm
如何认识他How to know him :
去年2011年3月Last year on the month March 2011,
当教会办马六甲爱摩沙3天2夜生活营的期间when church was organized church camp to A’Famosa ,
他与他的朋友一同到来参与he was came with his friend,
过后我们继续探访他安排并与他个人研经,他偶尔断断续续有来after that we continue to visit him & arranged for personal studied bible with him, off & on he came to church .
最近的这3个月他有来教会研经,昨晚感谢赞美神,他受浸归入基督,是他的罪得以赦免Within this three months he was more regular came to church & bible study . Last night , praise God he willing to baptize into Christ for remission of sin .
请为他的信心成长祷告Please pray for him to grow in strong faith in Christ .
May God uphold him with God words .
All glory be to God .
Bro. Choon Huat & Teresa Phua
Mr. Cho Chon Song(邹峻淞) Baptized into Christ
敬爱的主内弟兄姐妹们Dear Brethren :
在主里向大家请安Greeting to you with our Jesus Name.
我们非常感谢神,昨日(8/8/2012)把另外一个灵魂加入主的大家庭,地点是在居銮“基督的教会”We Thank God for another soul was added into God family by yesterday, in Kluang Church.
我们共同与天上的天使喜乐,赞美天上的神With the angels we rejoice at the heaven, praise is to God.
昨日晚上大约八时二十五分,有一位朋友受浸归入基督里面,使他的罪得到赦免Yesterday at about 8.25pm, there was a friend baptized into Christ for remission of sin.
以下有关他的资料Below is his particulars stated:
姓名Name: 邹峻淞先生Mr. Cho Chon Song
年龄Ages: 25岁 years old. ( Male男 )
受浸日期Date of Baptized: 8 .Aug. 2012, (晚上8.25pm)
受浸地点Baptize Place: (居銮“基督的教会”)Kluang C.O.C.
职业Occupation: 厨师Kitchen Cooker
如何认识他How to know him:
我们认识他,乃是通过他居住在永平的父亲We know him though his farther that is staying in Yong Peng area.
邹峻淞先生来居銮基督的教会之前,他是宗派的背景Before Mr. Cho Chon Song came to kluang Church, he was a denomination background.
我们与他在居銮教会研究圣经大约有2个月的时间We studied bible with him at the kluang church, for about two months times,
在这2个月期间,他都有来参与教会的主日崇拜与查经班within this two months he came to Church for Sunday worship regularly.
我们感谢赞美神把他加入属神的国度和教会的大家庭We praise God for added him into His kingdom & God’s family.
愿神祝福他,请大家在你们每天的祷告中纪念他,为他祷告,增强他在主里的信心与成长,感激不尽,愿神祝福大家May God bless him, please remember him in yours’ daily prayer to uphold him, so that his faith with be strengthen in the Lord. Thank you very much. God bless you all.
主内春发弟兄与诗清姐妹敬上 Regards, Bro. Choon Huat & Sis. Teresa Phua
在主里向大家请安Greeting to you with our Jesus Name.
我们非常感谢神,昨日(8/8/2012)把另外一个灵魂加入主的大家庭,地点是在居銮“基督的教会”We Thank God for another soul was added into God family by yesterday, in Kluang Church.
我们共同与天上的天使喜乐,赞美天上的神With the angels we rejoice at the heaven, praise is to God.
昨日晚上大约八时二十五分,有一位朋友受浸归入基督里面,使他的罪得到赦免Yesterday at about 8.25pm, there was a friend baptized into Christ for remission of sin.
以下有关他的资料Below is his particulars stated:
姓名Name: 邹峻淞先生Mr. Cho Chon Song
年龄Ages: 25岁 years old. ( Male男 )
受浸日期Date of Baptized: 8 .Aug. 2012, (晚上8.25pm)
受浸地点Baptize Place: (居銮“基督的教会”)Kluang C.O.C.
职业Occupation: 厨师Kitchen Cooker
如何认识他How to know him:
我们认识他,乃是通过他居住在永平的父亲We know him though his farther that is staying in Yong Peng area.
邹峻淞先生来居銮基督的教会之前,他是宗派的背景Before Mr. Cho Chon Song came to kluang Church, he was a denomination background.
我们与他在居銮教会研究圣经大约有2个月的时间We studied bible with him at the kluang church, for about two months times,
在这2个月期间,他都有来参与教会的主日崇拜与查经班within this two months he came to Church for Sunday worship regularly.
我们感谢赞美神把他加入属神的国度和教会的大家庭We praise God for added him into His kingdom & God’s family.
愿神祝福他,请大家在你们每天的祷告中纪念他,为他祷告,增强他在主里的信心与成长,感激不尽,愿神祝福大家May God bless him, please remember him in yours’ daily prayer to uphold him, so that his faith with be strengthen in the Lord. Thank you very much. God bless you all.
主内春发弟兄与诗清姐妹敬上 Regards, Bro. Choon Huat & Sis. Teresa Phua
陈芳正先生受浸归主Mr. Teng Foung Zheng Baptized into Christ
Dear Brethren :
Greeting in Lord Jesus Name . Praise God for His wonderful Love & Mercy .
We are very glad to inform you that was a young man. he was baptized into Christ for remission of sin , at the church camp’s in A’ Famosa, M’cca .
Within this few days church camp’s -- 3 days / 2 nights at A’ Famosa , he was thought by God words, and after study he mention to us , he wish to baptize into Christ . to be a family of God. his name and particulars is as below :
Name(陈芳正) : Teng Houng Zheng (Male男)
Age(年龄) :20 yrs old
Add.(地址) : No. 63 , Jalan Kekwa , Taman Timur , 83700 Yong Peng , Johor .
How to know him :
When he was in standard 4 , he came to children class. After from 1 plus, he stopped to come . We know his father thought him , his father is faithful Christian in the church . We thank God for choosing him to be His children , when he was attended this church camp’s at A’ Famosa , M’cca . Please pray for him to grow in faith & trust in Lord . May God bless you all .
God Bless .
Regards ,
Bro. Choon Huat & Teresa Phua
Greeting in Lord Jesus Name . Praise God for His wonderful Love & Mercy .
We are very glad to inform you that was a young man. he was baptized into Christ for remission of sin , at the church camp’s in A’ Famosa, M’cca .
Within this few days church camp’s -- 3 days / 2 nights at A’ Famosa , he was thought by God words, and after study he mention to us , he wish to baptize into Christ . to be a family of God. his name and particulars is as below :
Name(陈芳正) : Teng Houng Zheng (Male男)
Age(年龄) :20 yrs old
Add.(地址) : No. 63 , Jalan Kekwa , Taman Timur , 83700 Yong Peng , Johor .
How to know him :
When he was in standard 4 , he came to children class. After from 1 plus, he stopped to come . We know his father thought him , his father is faithful Christian in the church . We thank God for choosing him to be His children , when he was attended this church camp’s at A’ Famosa , M’cca . Please pray for him to grow in faith & trust in Lord . May God bless you all .
God Bless .
Regards ,
Bro. Choon Huat & Teresa Phua
马六甲爱摩沙郊外游 5月21-23日M'cca A'famosa Yong Peng Church Camp 21-23 May 2012

大家怀着愉快的心情参与马六甲爱摩沙3天2夜的郊外游。这一次的郊外游主题定为“基本信仰探讨”,用意乃是要帮助许多信心软弱的弟兄姐妹们,使他们建立在正确的信仰基础上。People with great pleasure love the 3 days two nights in Malacca of sand outside swim. This time the outskirts trip themed as "basic beliefs," paper intention but to help many faith is weak brethren and sisters, make them based on true faith basis.
每一天的个别题目如下 : 21/5/2012 题目为 “信什么?” 和“如何信?” 22/5/2012 题目为 “实在的信” 和 “可以不信吗?” 23/5/2012 题目为 “真信带来的福气” 和 “受浸以后的生命生活” .Every day of individual subject as follows: 21/5/2012 titled "Why believe?" And "How to believe?" 22/5/2012 titled "Truly believe" and " Can one not believe?" 23/5/2012 titled "Truly believe bring blessing" and "The life after baptism."
感谢主耶稣基督他的看顾这次的生活营,使大家获益不浅,不单大家灵里得到造就,我们得到一位弟兄和一位悔改的姐妹,真是喜上加喜. 一位受浸归主的朋友,乃是热诚事奉神的陈联鸿弟兄的二儿子陈芳正,今年20岁.Thank the Lord Jesus Christ his visit the life camp, and make everyone benefit not shallow, not only you get spiritually blessed , we have a brother won and a sister repented, is really double glad tidings. A baptism for new friend, but warmly the Lord made brother Teng Lian Hong’s second son the Teng Huong Zheng, 20 years old this year.
另一位失落后悔改的姐妹,乃是陈联鸿弟兄的太太梁姐妹.愿一切的荣耀归给神. 请大家继续的为永平教会的圣工多多的祷告.Another lost sister repented, brother Teng Lian Hong’s wife the sister. May everything bring glory to God. Please continue to remember Yong Peng church the work of prayer.

学校假期到来了,学生们一直的询问我们说:老师这次的郊外游,要去哪里?我们给学生们2个选择,峇株巴轄和居銮!学生们知道居銮有闻名的“南峇山”就期待要去哪里游玩。School holidays, students have been inquiry we said: the teacher the outskirts to tour, to go where? We give the students of 2 choices, Batu Pahat or Kluang’s Gunung Lambak. The students know the renowned Lambak mountain to look forward to play there.
只可惜的一点,行程连续的更改了好几次,学生们仍然存着耐心等待。 这一天总算到来了!学生们多么的高兴,2012年6月5日大约早上8时从永平开车直往居銮的聚会所!But the planned trip changed several times, students still have the patience to wait. The day finally comes! The students how happy, June 5, 2012 about 8 in the morning from Yong Peng drive straight in the Kluang sanctuary!
学生们已经习以为常了,因为这是我们的规定,必须先上课1小时的时间,才可以去游玩 。 居銮南峇山的自然生态,学生们甚是怀念,我们拍了许多留念的照片,大家约定,下一回的郊外游,还要来居銮的“南峇山”。The students are accustomed to, because this is our regulations, must first class in 1 hour of time, can go to play. In the process of the south mountain Bali natural ecology, the students remembered, we took a lot of photos as a souvenir, everyone agreed, on the outskirts of the next round tour, but also to return to the Lambak mountain.
讲题与时间 :
永平--“为何要相信耶稣?” 7pm
居銮--“为何要相信耶稣?” 9.30am
“如何靠耶稣得救?” 11am
YongPeng & Kluang Church planing on April,August& November to process the Gospel sharing Meeting .
1St starting month run on 22 Apr.2012
Topic & Time :
Yong Peng ---" Why we believe Jesus ? " 7pm
Kluang ---"Why we believe Jesus ? " 9.30am
"How to be save by Jesus ? " 11am
迎新年2012活动NY Celebration 2012
新山:主日查经 9.30am / 崇拜 11am (8, Jln. Chendera, Serene Park, J.B ) Tel: 016-7339333
峇株巴辖:主日崇拜9.45am /查经 11.15am (7, Jln. Tukas 1, Tmn. Soga, Batu Pahat )Tel: 012-7840001
永平:主日崇拜 傍晚7pm ( 30, Jln. Cahaya Baru 1, Tmn. BCB, Yong Peng .) Tel: 012-7172780
居銮:主日崇拜 9.30am / 查经11.15am ( 30(1 Floor), Jln. Lim Swee Sim, Tmn. Kluang Baru , Kluang .) Tel : 012-7172780
The New Year has arrived, and we are busy participating with friends food, and some programs, having witnessed the performances of the students, and everyone's contribution have a common goal, hope that the annual "New Year2012" campaign to do better in all our memories.
Program for the evening are: Welcome speech; Phua the preacher representation address, led by poetry, move guesses, and to share the gospel message being the "greatest gift"; next, two groups of children classes offer poetry, two third-grade students Ye Xiaowei and Lin Shumei offerred individual story-telling, distribute gifts reward high attendance rate, we are joyful watch.
We welcome the arrival of God's family, along with the warmth of affection in the Lord.
Johor is "Christ Church" address and meeting time and contact number.
Johor Bahru: Sunday Bible Study 9.30am /worship 11am (8, Jln. Chendera, Serene Park, JB) Tel: 016-7339333
Batu Pahat: Sunday 9.45am / Bible 11.15am (7, Jln. Tukas 1, Tmn. Soga, Batu Pahat) Tel: 012-7840001
Yongping: Sunday evening 7pm (30, Jln. Cahaya Baru 1, Tmn. BCB, Yong Peng.) Tel: 012-7172780
Kluang: Sunday 9.30am / Bible 11.15am (30 (1 Floor), Jln. Lim Swee Sim, Tmn. Kluang Baru, Kluang.) Tel: 012-7172780
儿童班郊外半日游2011(Children Class half day Outing)---居銮Kluang(20/12/2011)
During the school holidays, students in the children class is always wondering, where to go play? Hearts are full of hope, the lucky took part. Vacancy is limited for the transportation. Only those having good attendance, and obedient ones will qualify. This time, the "Half-day suburb tour". The date was determined, but, Teresa was ill twice, nevertheless the plan was finally carried out on 20/12/2011, as planned. We gave students the choice of two places, namely: Batu Pahat or Kluang.
They are fond of Kluang, with last year's visit they still long for her charm. Well, teachers to fulfill the aspirations of students, Kluang was targeted instead.
Our students obeyed the rules by heart. Upon arrival, they spent one hour in class. Due to light rain, the Kluang park plan was forgone... Students suggested: "Econsave supermarket!" instead. The teachers obliged, so they were happy and then had fun there. Thank God for His blessings.
年尾圣经培训会Year End Bible Course26-30/12/2011

Training courses focused on the Minor Prophets books. Among them: Jonah, Joel, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Nahum and Obadiah. Also, participants had some detailed, in-depth discussions. Lasting for 4-5 days this time, from morning to night, enjoy the spiritual feast, really rare. People learn the joy of learning to teach well-intentioned people. Finally, survived, and good to be taught spiritual prosperity, filled with the Holy Spirit.
This event is an annual spiritual feast, hoping to continue to be held in 2012, have sought to understand the truth better, it was a blessing.
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