21/5/2011星期六8pm --世人的盼望
22/5/2011星期日12.30pm -- 更美的家乡
永平"基督的教会” 主日崇拜 7pm
居銮“基督的教会”主日崇拜 9.30am
Deceased Sis. Wong Mee Ling lived to the age of 86 years old. Of her 7 children, one daughter Sis. Tu Keng Lian is in Christ. She had 16 grand children and 9 great grand children, therefore enjoyed the privilege of housing 4 generations under one roof. Deceased Sis. Wong Mee Ling went to be with the Lord on 20/5/2011 (Friday). The memorial meeting was held on 21/5/2011(Saturday) 8pm. The final memorial meeting was on 22/5/2011 (Sunday) at 12.30pm. The funeral procession was on 22/5/2011 at 1.30pm in the Kulai crematorium. The memorial meeting was hosted by preacher Bro. Phua Choon Huat. Bro. Vincent from Yong Peng assisted the message interpretation on the first night.
21/5/2011 Saturday 8pm --'Hope of mankind'
22/5/2011星期日12.30pm -- 'A better home'
Hosted by:Preacher Phua Choon Huat(in charge of the work of the churches of Christ in Yong Peng and Kluang)
Interpreter:Bro. Vincent(from Yong Peng Church of Christ)
Yong Peng Church of Christ: Sunday worship service at 7:00 pm
Kluang Church of Christ: Sunday worship service at 9:30 am