于2011年开始,潘春发传道将会负责永平与居銮 教会的福音事工。居銮教会每个月的主日,将会固定的由,来自新加坡的周奕强弟兄,潘春发传道,永平教会的陈联鸿弟兄和余根剑弟兄轮流的到来讲道教导敬拜与查经。偶尔也会有一些外地的弟兄到来,曾经到来的有,裕廊教会的太顺弟兄,富璇弟兄,预备计划到来的有马六甲教会,K.K教会和怡保教会。
居銮教会成立至今历史悠久,只可惜 教会一直以来,都面对人才外流及青黄不接的现象。
主日崇拜 : 9.30 am
主日查经 : 11 am
欢迎光临,地点:30,(1st Floor)Jalan Lim Swee Sim, Taman Kluang Baru , 86000 Kluang , Johor .
Tel : 012-7172780
Beginning 2011, preacher Phua Choon Huat will be in charge of Yong Peng and Kluang gospel mission work. For Sunday services in Kluang Church of Christ, there will be Bro. David Chew from Singapore, Bro. Phua Choon Huat, Bro. Teng Lian Hong, and Bro. Vincent Yee to take turns preaching and teaching bible classes. Oft there will be brethren from outstation coming to serve, with Jurong Church of Christ's Bro. Tai Soon and Bro. FuXuan being an example, and Malacca, Kota Kemuning and Ipoh churches among those planning to come.
Kluang church has a long history, with past phenomenon of talents outflow and leadership shifts. We are moving to a new meeting venue at new Kluang, beginning 20-2-1011, when Jurong Church of Christ's Bro. Tai Soon and Bro. FuXuan came to support. The Kluang Church of Christ is grateful to Bro. David Chew's toil in serving God, and the church presented him and his wife a souvenir as a token of appreciation. Our Father in heaven will remember Bro. Chew's work in Kluang for the Lord. Kluang Church of Christ's meeting timetable:
Sunday worship: 9.30 am
Sunday bible class: 11 am
Welcome to: 30,(1st Floor)Jalan Lim Swee Sim, Taman Kluang Baru , 86000 Kluang , Johor .
Tel : 012-7172780